Vietnam Quotas for Solid waste importing

Vietnam Gov. announces A quota system for Solid waste importing as Raw material such as Waste paper…

Credit photo: Vantage logistics Corp.

Credit photo Vantage logistics Corp.

      The Vietnamese government requires that 20% of the raw materials have to be using domestic waste when manufacturing from solid waste, and the import quota system is applied by limiting the imported raw materials to a maximum of 80%, was announced. This act will be applied from January 1, 2025.

Import quotas are limited to those intended to be used as raw materials for manufacturing, however imports for secondary processing or resale are not permitted. Also, the import of used paper is limited to the production of paper and associated products, excluding the pulp production. Only recycled plastic pellet producers are allowed to import waste plastic until December 31, 2024.

Port of Cat Lai Port, Ho Chi Minh (Photo:

        An importer who imports waste raw materials needs to deposit the shipping cost and disposal cost to a Vietnamese financial institution in advance when the imported cargo is judged to be illegal and is not permitted. Furthermore, if the balance of the deposit is insufficient for these disposal costs, additional costs will have to be paid. The act also stipulates that storing and inspection of imported cargo shall be carried out by an inspection agency licensed by customs, and there is a duty to report the inspection results in order to carry out subsequent customs inspections.

        On the other hand, the importer may apply for an exemption from inspection by customs, if the country of export of the cargo, the supplier, the trade name, the technical characteristics, the place of origin are consistent and certified by the inspection agency.
In addition, the Ministry of Finance can issue an inspection exemption certificate for waste raw materials imported in compliance with Vietnam’s environmental regulations 5 times in a row.

Vietnamese Customs Inspection (Photo:

Regarding these inspection exemption provisions, the timing of enforcement of the law has not yet been announced, which means we need to keep an eye on upcoming news.

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