"Collect used paper and create the new resources.
Protect a limited forest resource by a ring of limitless recycling"
DAIWA SHIRYO which was founded in 1876,
had sorted a Japanese paper according to color and production area
and to recycle until World War II.
After the war, species and quantity of the paper which we handled
increased drastically with demand expansion of the western paper.
In such situation, DAIWA SHIRYO put an important point for the sorting operation continuously and has contributed to the recycling method aiming at the uniform improvement of the quality. Quality-oriented recycling is of great helps to forest conservation, and also convinced that we contribute to global environmental conservation.
We focus on the globalization of the waste paper wholesale business,
And make a strong effort to export business in China and Southeastern Asia.
During recent years, each country recognizes that the Japanese waste paper
has good quality, So we’ll make more effort to international trading in the future.
1. We value the trust of the company and provide an article or service satisfactory for a client.
2. We respect each other and cooperate, and plan development of
the company business.
3. We try for technical improvement and ingenious attempts and effort.

What is the reason that we retained so far from 1876?
It's because we provide maximum satisfaction for our customers
and we got the customer's trust.
The needs of the customer also change with a substitute for shift of time.
In the character of the product of waste paper, we each understand ideas
on morals, ethics view, a sense of justice definitely and we can win customer's enhanced confidence by practicing those things.
We will make this way of thinking a basic concept in the future,
and classify the development from recycling business to allied industry
into the field of vision.

Import & Export raw material for paper production and paper products.
(Especially waste paper)
Executive: Mr. Tokumasa Yagura (Chairman)
Mr. Masahiro Shiose (CEO & COO )
Established: February 2017
Capital Fund: 55 million THB
Main Bank: Mizuho Bank Ltd. Bangkok Branch
Bangkok Bank Ltd. Silom Branch
Sales of sorting and processing waste paper, Production and sales of recycled pulp,
Sales of imported waste paper, Dissolution process of classified documents,
Purchase and sale of other recyclable resources.
Executive: Mr. Nobuyuki Shiose (Chairman)
Mr. Tokumasa Yagura (President)
Initiation: November 1876
Established: June 1949
Capital Fund: 99 million yen
Number of Employees: 200 (Male 160 / Female 40)
Main Bank: Shoko Chukin Bank Ltd. Senba Branch
Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ Shinsaibashi Branch